Category: Narzędzia

Mar 03

Machine translation in memoQ

Tweet Machine translation (MT) is here to stay. Used properly, it can be a tremendously useful tool, improving translators productivity and simplifying work on relatively simple translations within certain domains. At the same time, improper use of MT can be a hindrance for translators, slowing them down and frustrating with useless suggestions. For “proper” use …

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Oct 20

Literary translations with CAT tools

If you deal with literary and creative translation only, you have probably never used any special translation-related software other than dictionaries (and a word processor), but you may have heard of “Computer Assisted Translation” tools or CATs for short. These were developed with technical translation in mind, and their main premise is to “never translate the same sentence twice”, which makes a lot of sense in the world of repetitive instruction manuals, but can this be useful in literary translation? Let’s see, but please note that this text does not touch the subject of machine translation (MT).

Oct 20

Programy CAT w tłumaczeniach literackich

Jeśli zajmujecie się wyłącznie tłumaczeniami literackimi i kreatywnymi, mogliście nigdy nie używać żadnego specjalnego oprogramowania do tłumaczenia poza słownikami i edytorem tekstu, ale mogliście słyszeć o programach do „komputerowego wspomagania tłumaczeń” (Computer Assisted Translation, CAT). Stworzono je z myślą o tłumaczeniach technicznych a ich głównym założeniem jest idea, że „nigdy nie trzeba dwa razy tłumaczyć takiego samego zdania”, co ma mnóstwo sensu w świecie powtarzalnych tekstów komunikacji technicznej (np. instrukcji obsługi), ale czy takie oprogramowanie może się do czegoś przydać w tłumaczeniach literackich? Zaznaczam, że tekst w najmniejszym stopniu nie dotyczy tłumaczeń maszynowych (Machine Translation, MT). Zapraszam do lektury.

Jan 30

Memsource files in memoQ

Tweet When it comes to online CAT-tools I personally consider Memsource as one of the better ones – it’s reasonably fast, offers decent functionality and usability. It’s even better with local (but not offline) client, which can undock some windows, so you can have concordance and TM matches on screen at the same time. Still, …

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Oct 29

Terminology mining from Eur-Lex corpora

Tweet The conference #TranslatingEurope Forum 2016 was held on October 27-28 in Brussels. Besides presentations, the conference included two sessions of mini-workshops: the idea was to present some practical aspect of translation in small group – three people at a time. The workshops included my submission on terminology mining. I realized from the start that participants won’t …

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Nov 15

memoQ auto-translatables for numbers

Tweet memoQ is an excellent CAT/TEnT tool which offers plenty of advanced productivity features out of the box, but with little tinkering can be made even more useful. One of the advanced memoQ features is Auto-translatables: using regular expressions you can define how certain source text should be modified in target language. The rules can …

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May 23

memoQ 2015 project filtering

Dashboard for "project manager" license owners, without news feed.

Tweet On Friday, May 22nd, during the memoQfest conference in Budapest, Kilgray officially released memoQ 2015. One of its new features is redesigned Dashboard view – the screen you see when you start the application. And although it looks better than in previous versions, initially I was disappointed with the new filtering feature. But after …

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May 18

memoQ 2015 preview

Tweet Tomorrow I’m leaving for Budapest to attend memoQfest conference, where new memoQ2015 will be officially presented. I was lucky enough to receive beta version for testing. I’ve been using it for a bit over a week and I’m ready to share my impressions. In short: solid, steady improvement, but no revolution. And that’s a …

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Mar 15

Segmentation rules for text with references

Tweet If you happen to translate text with numbered references, you’ve probably encountered problem with incorrect segmentation when the reference number is placed just after end of sentence period, like this: This is an example sentence.² With a second sentence added. In most cases the above sentences will be imported to CAT tools as a single …

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Jun 04

memoQ 2014 – first impressions

Tweet New memoQ is coming and you’d better grab it as soon as it arrives! Kilgray assumed a steady schedule of new major memoQ versions – once a year, somewhere during the summer. This time it’s June, the version is 2014, and the list of changes and new features is really, really long. I have …

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