Tweet I was invited to write a guest post on regular expressions in FrameMaker at Adobe blog platform. While it is written with FrameMaker in mind, I think the text can help anyone grasp basics of regex for any applications, including translation tools like memoQ or Trados Studio.
Tag: Regex
Nov 15
memoQ auto-translatables for numbers
Tweet memoQ is an excellent CAT/TEnT tool which offers plenty of advanced productivity features out of the box, but with little tinkering can be made even more useful. One of the advanced memoQ features is Auto-translatables: using regular expressions you can define how certain source text should be modified in target language. The rules can …
Mar 15
Segmentation rules for text with references
Tweet If you happen to translate text with numbered references, you’ve probably encountered problem with incorrect segmentation when the reference number is placed just after end of sentence period, like this: This is an example sentence.² With a second sentence added. In most cases the above sentences will be imported to CAT tools as a single …