Marek Pawelec

Author's posts

May 23

memoQ 2015 project filtering

Dashboard for "project manager" license owners, without news feed.

Tweet On Friday, May 22nd, during the memoQfest conference in Budapest, Kilgray officially released memoQ 2015. One of its new features is redesigned Dashboard view – the screen you see when you start the application. And although it looks better than in previous versions, initially I was disappointed with the new filtering feature. But after …

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May 18

memoQ 2015 preview

Tweet Tomorrow I’m leaving for Budapest to attend memoQfest conference, where new memoQ2015 will be officially presented. I was lucky enough to receive beta version for testing. I’ve been using it for a bit over a week and I’m ready to share my impressions. In short: solid, steady improvement, but no revolution. And that’s a …

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Mar 15

Segmentation rules for text with references

Tweet If you happen to translate text with numbered references, you’ve probably encountered problem with incorrect segmentation when the reference number is placed just after end of sentence period, like this: This is an example sentence.² With a second sentence added. In most cases the above sentences will be imported to CAT tools as a single …

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Dec 21

Multilingual CLP phrases (unified)

Tweet Following my previous post, I’ve found some errors in the R and S phrases set, so I have corrected them and merged S and R phrases from regulation 21/2013 with  H and P statements from regulation 1272/2008, extending the list with some additional statements from regulation 286/2011. The combined list contains 446 phrases in …

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Dec 16

Multilingual set of H and P statements

Tweet Pressed by a review job I’ve finally compiled a comprehensive list of H and P statements from Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council. If you don’t know the regulation, then you probably do not need the list. However, if your translation cover MSDS, CLP or GHS-related subjects, the statements …

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Aug 02

Akronimy w kartach charakterystyki (MSDS)

Tweet Dostałem ostatnio zlecenie, które polegało na przetłumaczeniu sporawej listy akronimów stosowanych w kartach charakterystyk i dokumentacji pokrewnej. I choć często tłumaczę dokumenty z tej dziedziny, wykonanie zlecenia zajęło mi nieproporcjonalnie dużo czasu. Ukończona lista została dodatkowo zweryfikowana i poprawiona w ramch uprzejmości przez nieznanego mi kolegę po fachu (dziękuję). Zainspirowany zleceniem skompilowałem nieco większą …

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Jul 06

XML translation – part 2: memoQ

Defining non-translatable tags based on attributes

In my previous post I’ve described what is XML, what is it for and what are the particular components. This time I’m going to show you how to properly import almost any XML file into memoQ for translation. I’m going to reference the files described in previous part, so you might want to look there for comparison and file structure description.

Jun 22

Tłumaczenie plików XML – część 1: wprowadzenie

XML ma złą reputację wśród tłumaczy – bardzo często jest postrzegany jako coś skomplikowanego, co niezwykle trudno prawidłowo przetłumaczyć. Jednak dysponując podstawową wiedzą na temat struktury plików XML oraz nowoczesnymi programami do wspomagania tłumaczeń tak naprawdę praca z plikami XML jest dość prosta. Niniejszy tekst jest pierwszym z trzyczęściowej serii na temat tłumaczenia plików XML. Część pierwsza to podstawowe wprowadzenie do formatu XML – takie „co i jak”. W części drugiej omówię import plików XML do programu memoQ, a w części trzeciej do programu Trados Studio.

Jun 22

XML translation – part 1: introduction

Added XML version and encoding declaration

Tweet The XML has a bad reputation amongst translators – quite often it’s being perceived as something complicated and terribly difficult to translate. However, armed with the basic knowledge of the XML file structure and modern translation environment tools it’s actually usually very easy to correctly translate XML. This is the first installment of a …

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Jun 04

memoQ 2014 – first impressions

Tweet New memoQ is coming and you’d better grab it as soon as it arrives! Kilgray assumed a steady schedule of new major memoQ versions – once a year, somewhere during the summer. This time it’s June, the version is 2014, and the list of changes and new features is really, really long. I have …

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